Yvonne Creiman
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My Story

I left the Los Angeles area in 1969 with the intention of bringing my son up in a smaller community. My husband, Bob, and I found ourselves living in southern Oregon for about ten years, enjoying the natural beauty and more peaceful environment. In 1979, after a divorce and job change, I moved to Eugene, Oregon where I lived for about 28 years, loving every minute of it. It is a wonderful town in a beautiful part of Oregon, yet not too big. It was in Eugene that I studied Graphic Design and, in 1984, opened my own design firm. Eight years later, with the advent of computer graphics, the writing was on the wall, invest in computer hardware and software or find something else to do!

I chose to seek a little adventure by moving to Austin, Texas with a friend, her daughter and grandson. I found Austin an exciting city with much to do on the music scene, lots of work opportunities and a sort of casual, festival atmosphere that I loved. I resided there from 1994 to 1998.

In the summer of 1998, while visiting family back in Oregon, I was introduced to Rick Winsor by a close friend who thought we might hit it off really well. She was right! Rick came down to Austin to help me move back to Eugene, Oregon and two months later we were married. Rick had five children from a previous marriage and I had three, all grown fortunately! (We now have nine grandchildren.)

We both had ailing mothers at the time that we met who required a lot of attention and care. In 2000 they both passed away within a few days of each other. At that point we discussed where we might like to consider moving to for more exploration of this lovely country. We have since lived in Santa Cruz, California; Whidbey Island, Washington; and now southern Utah, Springdale to be exact, at the entrance to Zion National Park. We love the beauty of this desert area and the canyons of this vast region. Upon retirement in the next couple of years we plan to travel around to visit as many National Parks as we can.

At present, Rick drives a shuttle bus in Zion National Park during the tourist season (seven months of the year), and I work year-round as a librarian in the Springdale Branch library. I enjoy it here as the town is exceedingly small, (only 450 population), and we have gotten to know just about everyone in the four years we have been here. No traffic, no worries! We are about an hour's drive from St. George, Utah and three hours from Las Vegas, Nevada, the two major shopping centers in the region. The summers are HOT and the winters are very cold, but spring and autumn are superb.

Hopefully the next few years will find us traveling around the U.S. and Canada taking photos and enjoying the towns and villages we encounter!

Rick and I at Harris Beach in 2001

We camped out at Harris Beach for a week in the spring of 2001. 'Had a great time!

Family Photo, Christmas 2001

Left to right, Traci, my daughter-in-law, myself, Jason, my son, and Rick, my husband at Jason's home celebrating Christmas together.

Winter 2007-08 in Rockville, Utah This year has brought us some winter snow and lovely scenes. This is just up the road from our house.

Kolob Fingers, Zion National Park

One of our favorite places to take landscape photos. This is just a ways up in the higher mesas above our town, in Zion National Park. It' the beauty of this place that keeps us here.

Trip to Banff, Canada Sept 2009