Yolanda Garza |
My StoryJanuary 2003 When I was in high school I always wanted to be a physical education teacher. First I attended L.A.C.C for two years and then Cal State L.A. where I earned a teaching credential and met my husband. My husband has taught and coached for the Alhambra School District and I ended up teaching and later becoming a counselor for LAUSD. Most of my teaching career was spent at Franklin High School, those were the most fun and memorable years of my career. My last years were spent doing high risk counseling and crisis intervention for various programs within the district. My husband and I live in South Pasadena and we have one son (Dana) who is now 26 years old. Dana spent one year at UW but transferred and graduated from UNLV in Nevada. Being that I have stayed local and especially because I spent so many years of my career at Franklin I have maintained close contact with many of our classmates. This past June I had to retire for health reasons. A year ago I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (cancer of the bone marrow). Yolanda passed away on August 17, 2004 From Yolanda's son: "This is Dana,Yolanda (Jolie) Barsuhn's son. I just wanted to let those of you who may not yet been contacted of my mothers passing. She passed yesterday, August 17th at about 8:30 am. While her cancer progressed over the passed six months her condition took a turn for the worst about two weeks ago. The doctors were hopeful that she could make it through the month but she had too many complications. I am happy to say that she passed without having to suffer; she was laughing, joking and telling stories in her final hours, a true testament to her awesome spirit. |