Paula Johnson |
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My StoryHello Everyone, I am so excited about this web site. I think it is so nice of Brett to do this. I love reading about what you are all doing now and where you live. Your pictures are great too. I guess I should start at the beginning. I was born in Elmira, New York, but only lived there the first few months of my life. My dad was transferred to Los Angeles, bought a home in Highland Park where we lived until I graduated from Franklin. I went to Yorkdale Elementary, Luther Burbank Jr. High, and then of course Franklin. After Franklin I went on to college where I earned a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Teaching Credential, and Pupil Personnel Credential. Ironically, my first teaching position was at L. Burbank Jr. High, and my second teaching position was at Franklin. 1978-81 I took a child care leave and had two daughters, Tanaya and Jacque. Because of my leave I lost my position at Franklin but was assigned to Irving Middle School where I worked as a teacher, counselor, Program Advisor, and lastly an Assistant Principal. After 30 years at Irving and 40 years with LAUSD, I retired in June of 2008. I currently live in Alhambra, Ca. where I met my husband, Jack, who passed away of cancer in 1992. I am a grandmother of three. Jaylin is 14, Bobby is five and Kyle is one. I love being a grandparent. I am having soooooo much fun with my daughters, grandchildren, and son-in-law. I keep myself busy with traveling, golfing, trips to the gym, lunches and dinners with family and friends, (now you know why I need trips to the gym), and reconnecting with many of our classmates. I so wanted to go to the 2004 class reunion, but couldn't make it because that was the night of my daughter's wedding. I hope you are all doing well. If you would like to get in touch, Brett Martin has my email address. I would love hearing from you. Sincerely, Paula Johnson-Mang |