Paul Livingston



I’ve been in England since April, 1965 (which is a long story*), trained in London to be a French teacher (which I was from about 1970-2002, during which time I did an M.Ed. completed, after 10 years of procrastination, in 1984), married Bridget (also a teacher, but both of us now long retired) in 1971 and we had a daughter Sarah in 1975. She married Alex Robins in 2000 and they had Matthew (our only grandchild) in 2005. We have lived in the same house in Bath (120mi W of London) since 1976.

My wife is very musical (she studied music in Devon, Cambridge and London) and played various instruments (eg ‘cello and piano) and sang. After doing class teaching to 7-8 year-old girls for 20 years, she taught piano for about 20 years. She makes beautiful jewellery. She has farming genes in her blood and loves gardening and enjoys growing our vegetables and fruit, plus collecting eggs from our hens. She did have a bee-hive but they suffered with the cold and disease.

We love travel (having visited 26 countries), nature, and flowers (and I avidly photograph all of these). I have self-published 2 books of my photos of flowers & landscapes with poems (written by others) to accompany them: “The Seasons” and “Autumn dreams”. We also like classical music, ballet and opera. We both read a lot, Bridget mainly likes biographies and I like science books. I like sport of most kinds and follow NFL on UK TV.

The biggest surprise in my life was finding out, when I was 39, that I wasn’t in fact Paul Livingston! I was born “Graham Parsons” (my mother was Madge Parsons who married Robert Livingston when I was nearly 3) and my ‘real’ father was Thomas Northcott (from Connecticut) whom I managed to meet in 1986. I now have a large extended family who live mainly in the USA and Canada and we have enjoyed meeting many of them.


Bridget and I - July 2010

Bridget (my wife), Matthew (our grandchild), Sarah (our daughter), and her husband Alex - April 2010