Mike Keele |
My StoryI attended Pasadena City College for three years after graduating from Franklin. On the first day of finals, I returned home to study for the next final, only to find a draft notice in the mail box. So about two weeks later, I-we were introduced to a number of motivational speakers who could get any right thinking 20 year old to do his level best. I was blessed to have been assigned to helicopter mechanic school, and made it home for the month of July, 1967. Had a great time as hosted by Bob Stevenson and Larry Heale, with some great back-up support by Larry's sister, Lynne. (Stevenson was so impressed that he married her). By the end of August, I was a door gunner on a Huey helicopter in the First Cavalry Division. Another blessing. Life in the combat zone was days and weeks of boredom, punctuated by moments of terror. We did some good things and went where we were told. By the start of Tet, 1968, The First Cav was in the I Corps Tactical Zone, and up to our withers in North Vietnamese soldiers. We had taken no casualties until that time, but things changed very rapidly. We were committed to combat in many significant battles from January through my return to the World in August. It might seem odd to most that saying the best year of my life was while I was in Vietnam, but everything else has been anti-climactic. Shared a few cans of C Rations with Mike Millis, who was a dog handler/scout. Fifteen years with the L.A. Sheriff, 17 more as an investigator with the L.A. Public Defender, married twice, one child, two step-daughters, a bunch of grand kids, retired now for 10 years, and the events of 1967-68 in Vietnam are still at the top of the list. Man!! that was a group of guys! "You haven't live until you've almost died. For those who fought for it, life has a flavor the protected will never know." I spend most of my time now working in my shop. I am building a '47 Ford Coupe much like the one I tried to buy from Richard Ruth when we were in the 11th grade. I am engaged in charity work for veteran's groups and give a lot of time to Special Forces Assn. Ch. 78, which I am an honorary member of. Life is good. Mike passed away on April 8, 2023. |