Brett Martin
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My Story

After high school I joined the Marine Corps for 4 years. Went thru boot camp at San Diego, then off to Quantico, Va. Transferred down to Cherry Point, N.C., then an enjoyable year in Okinawa, followed by Vietnam. Finally sent home and discharged from the service in 1968.

I spent the next 6 years getting a 4 year degree from Fullerton Jr. College and Cal. Poly. at Pomona. During this time I worked in machine shops, drilling holes in metal. I worked one week for an electronics plant. I started work on Monday and was laid off on Friday when they went out of business. Worked 2 weeks as a driver for a florest shop before they fired me. Then I spent a year as a computer operator. This was a swing sift job, so it was very relaxed. Lots of fun, lot of screwing around. During the last 2 years of school I worked part time at a liquer store in La Puente. Now that was an experience.

After graduating in 1974 I found a programming job with the Boeing Company in Seattle. I planned to be here 2 years and then move on, but I’ve been here ever since.

I married in 1981 and our son arrived in 1987. I was 40 years old - too old to be starting a family. Oh, the things he has taught me about being a parent! Life has been good - the last 7 years being the best.

I retired in 2007 and have learned that there is no structure nor immediacy when you are retired. Things don't have to be done NOW! Life just drifts along. Its hard adjusting to this after all those years of being driven by schedules .

My wife, Lorain, and I live in Maple Valley, Washington.

He attended the 2004 reunion.