Alfred Bezansone


His Story

From Al's nephew: After college (Cal State), Al attended the police Academy.  He found police work wasn't to his liking, so he went to work for Von’s and retired from there after 30 years.  

Al lived in Hacienda Heights until his marriage then moved to Walnut (Diamond Bar) area.  He and Jane (his wife of 20 years) met at the 1st Advent Christian Church in Tustin.

Al was very involved in the 2004 Presidential campaign to re-elect George Bush. Last spring he was in Palm Springs when the President flew in and was escorted to the front of a reception line by the Secret Service.

He enjoyed being in the mountains. One of his favorite spots was a place in the mountains of Colorado where he and his family had many gatherings over the years.

Alfred was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma about the time he retired.  After a courageous 8 year battle with the cancer, he died on July 13, 2006, at his home in Diamond Bar, California.  He remained true to his faith to the very end. His brother was at his bedside singing hymns the night before his passing. 

"Al was a great man and died much too soon."